History Highlights of the

Home and Foreign Mission District Association


Dr. Huey P. Watson, New Hope BC, Oakland, Ca


Reverend Joseph Pough, Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church, San Francisco, CA


Dr. Payton E. Pierce, Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church, Oakland, CA


Reverend Samuel A. Morgan, Union Springs Missionary Baptist Church, San Francisco, CA


Reverend James T. McCullumNew Hope Baptist Church, Oakland, CA


Reverend Calvin Jones Sr., Providence Baptist Church, San Francisco, CA


Reverend Frank Poole  Community Baptist Church, Oakland, CA


Reverend Dr. M. T. Thompson Berkeley Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Berkeley, CA


Reverend Robert K. Gordon, Zion Hill Baptist Church, Richmond, CA


Reverend Dr. Henry L. Perkins, First Baptist Church, Pittsburg, CA


Reverend H. L. GarnettNew Hope Baptist Church, Oakland, CA


Pastor Emeritus Reverend Calvin Jones Jr., Providence Baptist Church, San Francisco, CA 


Reverend Raynard Hillis, Doublerock Baptist Church, San Francisco, Ca


Bishop Sean Teal, New Hope Baptist Church, Oakland, CA

2018 - 2021

Rev. Dr. Ambrose F. Carroll, Sr., The Church by the Side of the Road, Berkeley, CA

  “…It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” In the 1940’s, due to discrimination in the South and in search for better paying jobs, vast numbers of Afro-Americans migrated to the North and settled in the larger cities.  Continuing with the Southern tradition, churches were gathering places for keeping in touch and fellowships.

One of the great spiritual minds and leaders of the H.F.M.D.A., stated, it was during World War II and churches were “very thin”.  Another stated “due to the populous movement from the South, educational background and theological separation from existing organized religious groups, there arose a need for this great people of God “ for such a time as this.”  Our Sovereign God in His all-knowing, all-powerful, all-present being, heard the prayers, the mournful cries, and concerns, then opened the windows of heaven and poured out blessings so manifold, which we are still reaping in this present age.  “Tis a charge to keep we have, to serve this present age that God might be glorified.”

In 1946, God moved in the heart of the late Reverend Huey Watson, Pastor of the New Hope Baptist Church.  Rev. Watson shared what God had placed on his heart, as well as concerns regarding the churches, Christian Education and Mission work with some pastors; Rev. F.B. Banks of Providence B.C., Rev. F. D. Haynes of Third B.C., Rev. Heard of Zion Hill B.C. and Rev. J.P. Hubert of Beth Eden B.C.  Other ministers included Rev. Clark, Rev. Cyphert, Rev. G.W. Dothard and Rev. J.D. Willard.  A meeting of the minds ensued, thereby establishing the “Home and Foreign Mission District Association.”
Rev. P.E. Pierce was instrumental in organizing the association’s current structure, convening the 1st Sunday evening in August with worship services and utilizing preaching gifts/talents.  Other contributors included Rev. James T. McCullum and Rev. Calvin Jones Sr. (the Lord’s Supper), Rev. S.A. Morgan (educational fund) and Mrs. Ethel Kay (funding of young people as delegates).
At one point, to correct a misunderstanding, two weeks of institutional teaching was held to assist church members in understanding the association’s purpose (to enhance all supporting churches).  Thereafter, God’s people came together with a “mind to work” and the H.F.M.D.A. began to grow tremendously in the Lord’s work.  The numbers were so vast; some churches were unable to accommodate the attendees.