Donating to the Home and Foreign Mission District Association

Donating to the Home and Foreign Mission District Association is a fruitful investment. We continually impact Ministry in our local, state and national communities in a variety of ways. If you wish to make an single donation to HFMDA, see below how donated funds help do the Lord's work. If you or your church are interested in becoming a member of the HFMDA, click here for more information about membership.

Congress of Christian Education

Your donation goes toward the ministry that undergirds and supports every other ministry in the church, Christian Education. The district is formed for training and development across all sectors of the Baptist Church. HFMDA provides training for church work and the work of the church. From liturgical and gospel music, to men’s and women's ministry, to church governance to building operations, our district association is a teaching institution that is foundational to our growth and development. 

Scholarship Fund

Scholarships are the culmination of our youth and children's work. The church was instituted to provide spiritual development for youth and new converts to the gospelFor years young people have come to age in our churches, district and state work. Many through the HFMDA have matriculated to become pastors, educators, scientists and even astronauts. Your gifts will allow us to continue this tradition of prodding the young forward. On behalf of our scholarship committee please help us to provide financial support to our young people as they continue their educational aspirations. 

Camp MoWaHa

Camp MoWaHa is 110 acres of land owned and operated by the California State Baptist Convention in Auberry California which is located in Fresno County at the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. This land purchase and campground was led by Pastor F. D. Haynes Sr. along with other leaders from across the state. HFMDA was central to its development and we remain in the Vanguard of its success in years to come. Your gifts will help open our young people up to the reality of God in Nature. 

